Welcome to the Association Against Modern Architecture
Who are we and what do we want?
Modern architecture is a crime against good taste. It must be stopped before it can do more damage to our eyes and sensibilities. We believe that the only solution to this problem is simply to ban modern architecture altogether.
Why is a ban necessary?
A ban on modern architecture is necessary because it is horrible to look at, and since buildings are visible from public spaces, they severely diminish innocent people's quality of life, even as they go about their daily lives. This is unacceptable!
Motivating examples
In this section, we will look at some buildings that are examples of modern architecture, and show why its continued existence is unacceptable. Hopefully you will, as we have, come to the conclusion that the wrecking balls must be brought out immediately!
Edificio Mirador

This building looks like a bunch of old car cables glued together. If you look at it the right way, it even looks like a bunch of old computers stacked on top of each other. Why? What is the point of this design? To show the world that if you use 2-3 extra ugly colours, Brutalism is still ugly. Who would have guessed?
New Zealand

This pathetic excuse for a building looks like someone lazily dumped a bunch of rusted containers on top of each other as if their lives depending on them not giving a fuck about it. If this is the way buildings will look in the future, then we're inventing a time machine. Oh and just to add insult to injury, New Zealand Institute of Architects gave it not one, not two but three design awards
CCTV Tower

A giant hunk of metallic looking glass that is so out of place that you have to wonder if they even built it at all, or if they dragged it from a dumpyard for giants. Having parts of the building floating without direct support is a nice gimmick if you're 12 years old, which we are not. We're not also not fans of irregularly shaped hunks of lifeless metal and glass that ruins the view for millions of people every day. Sad!